The office Roberto Parentoni and Lawyers was founded in 1991 by Roberto Bartolomei Parentoni. The Bank formally and exclusively serves the Criminal and Criminal Business area, becoming a Legal Boutique.

One of the most traditional and renowned Criminal Law firms in Brazil, has active professionals and is structured to work throughout the Brazilian territory, serves individuals, companies and their legal departments, government agencies and fellow Lawyers, acts in all spheres, instances and Superior Courts, in defense of the accused or in favor of the victim, in a Consultative, Preventive and Litigious manner. It is also active in the investigation phase, whether Administrative, Police Inquiry or Parliamentary Inquiry Commission.

Our mission is to defend with excellence the rights and legal guarantees of our customers, offering personalized service, with quality, respect and attention to their individual needs.

It is located in Edifício Itália, one of the iconic buildings in the city of São Paulo, where clients, colleagues and friends are welcomed in a classic and cozy atmosphere. This is a necessarily compact office, given the essence of Criminal Law, which is handcrafted and very personal .

Roberto Parentoni

Roberto Parentoni

Dr. Roberto Parentoni é advogado criminalista desde 1991 e fundador do escritório Parentoni Advogados. Pós-graduado pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Mackenzie, é especialista em Direito Criminal e Processual Penal, com atuação destacada na justiça estadual, federal e nos Tribunais Superiores (STJ e STF). Ex-presidente do Instituto Brasileiro do Direito de Defesa (IBRADD) por duas gestões consecutivas, é também professor, autor de livros jurídicos e palestrante, participando de eventos e conferências em todo o Brasil.